Gal is the CEO of Trainologic. Gal brings with him more than 10 years of experience as a programmer, architect, consultant and development manager. Gal has been a frequent speaker at various technological conventions, such as Java Technology Day, Agile Development Forum, and more
Presentations by Gal Marder :
{:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Java 2016, 4 - 5 באפריל 2016, 09:10
Java is 20 years old, for the better part of these 20 years it has been the most popular programming language in the world. During this presentation we will take a trip in time with the Java language from the days the three weren't decent collections to the days of Streams, Optional and functional Java programming
{:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Java 2016, 4 - 5 באפריל 2016, 12:00
Streams are considered an important Java 8 addition. In this session we'll dive into the Stream's API and discuss the good (and the bad) about it
{:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Java 2016, 4 - 5 באפריל 2016, 16:45
דוברים נוספים באירוע Java 2016
Shimi Bandiel
CTOTrainologic -
Evgeny Borisov
Consultant -
Omri Spector