Java in 20 years perspective

{:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Java 2016, 4 - 5 באפריל 2016, 09:10

Java is 20 years old, for the better part of these 20 years it has been the most popular programming language in the world. During this presentation we will take a trip in time with the Java language from the days the three weren't decent collections to the days of Streams, Optional and functional Java programming

Gal is the CEO of Trainologic. Gal brings with him more than 10 years of experience as a programmer, architect, consultant and development manager. Gal has been a frequent speaker at various technological conventions, such as Java Technology Day, Agile Development Forum, and more

Shimi is the CTO of Trainologic. Shimi has more than 15 years of experience in Programming, Consulting and Training. Specializes in Programming Practices, Design & Architecture and Performance

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