An active developer and architect from 1985, I focus on optimizing software development groups 

 Helping form an effective architecture and selecting the right tool-set

- Setting up the right CI/CD process and tools

Jump starting development in early stage startups and innovative projects

Mentoring existing development teams on practices and technologies

Presentations by Omri Spector:

  • {:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Java 2016, 4 - 5 באפריל 2016, 10:45

    Micro Services is the new cool architectural trend, but how do we build it using Java technologies? The answer most of us find most relevant is Spring Boot! In this session we are going to have a live demo of Developinga Micro Service using Spring Boot

דוברים נוספים באירוע Java 2016

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